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Rebirth of Mis

Pathways to personal renewal and creative rebirth


An online workshop based on the Celtic myth of Mis, a story of a woman who is driven into exile and transforms herself into a bird. Join us to interpret its symbols and explore ways of reconnection in times of loss, grief and chaos.

We live in times of chaos, times of loss, times of grief. Sometimes, holding ourselves together is not an option; the only way forward is to allow ourselves to fall apart. But how do we rebuild and rebirth ourselves?


The mythical Mis teaches us that madness can represent an extreme form of initiation, a trigger for profound transformation. 

The Rebirth of Mis

“Mis is the original wild woman, that archetypal madwoman who lives deep within each of us. She speaks for us all: for the rage which we cannot express, for the grief which eats our heart out, for the voices we have suppressed out of fear.” Sharon Blackie

During the workshop, you will experience the storytelling of the Celtic myth Madness of Mis, a broader discussion followed by a symbolic interpretation that empowers and guides women into reconnecting with themselves in face of grief, loss and chaos.


A few of the motifs and symbols we will analyze:


- Mis

- The archetypal father

- Death

- Wild bird

- The harpist

- Transformation into animal

- Exile and integration

- Creative solutions

and more...

Join us to question and reflect: why did Mis go through her period of madness? How was she able to surpass her exile and grief? What can we learn from her initiation?


Workshop Content

At times, the only way to react to the chaos of the modern world and our contemporary lives is through madness; in such moments, keeping our composure is not the right thing to do, and it's necessary to experience a breakdown. The tale of Mis illustrates that madness can be a type of extreme initiation, a catalyst for significant change.


What Will You Gain

  • A new way of relating to times of chaos, madness and loss

  • Wide understanding of the symbols and motifs in the story of Mis

  • Deep insights into how exile and the wild self are catalysts for transformation

  • Opportunity for healing the creative feminine force within you

  • A community of women of all stages willing to connect, share and support each other

About Your Facilitator


Maria Souza

Maria Souza is a Comparative Mythologist and Educator. She is the author of the mythopoetic book Wild Daughters and is a member of the Joseph Campbell Foundation Myth Maker Network. She is the host of the podcast Women and Mythology in which she shares and interprets myths and fairy tales. Maria has been delivering programs on mythology since 2016.

Join The Workshop


  • Recording of the workshop

  • Supporting materials (Deepening inquiry + Presentation + Bibliography)

  • Certificate of Participation

Purchase the recording and watch the workshop through the Hotmart platform.


Please contact Maria if you have any questions about the workshop.

Maria's contact
Instagram: @womenandmythology


Thanks for submitting!

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