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Ancient Venus Workshop

Images of the Feminine


Workshop Venus: Ancient Images of the Feminine

Unveil prehistoric depictions of femininity and its life-sustaining power for women today.


Date: Friday, September 1st, 2023

Time: From 8:30 am to 10:00 am, BST
Where: Online, via Zoom

Registrations Closed


It's no secret that mainstream media lacks empowering representations of women. From unrealistic mannequin bodies to bodies that are meant to be hidden, we are in dire need of images that celebrate our strength as women.

This workshop will take you on a journey to explore prehistoric figurines, their historical background, and their symbolic significance for modern women.

How can we revive our bodies as a source of wisdom? Rather than creating a new perspective, perhaps it's more about returning to the old ways of understanding the body and its influence. It's about reconnecting with what resides in our bones, our flesh, and our blood.



This workshop features a broader discussion component, a historical overview of each figurine, and a reimagining of their significance for women across time. The following Venuses will be explored in detail:​

Venus Gagarino: 21,000–20,000 BCE

Venus of Hohle Fels: 40,000 - 35,000 BCE

Venus of Monruz: 3700 - 2400 BCE

Venus of Dolní Věstonice: 29,000–25,000 BCE

Venus of Willendorf: 25,000–30,000 BCE

Venus of Savignano: 24,000 BCE


Join us for this workshop and embrace the wisdom, beauty, and power of the female body.

Her body is her magic: it (...) is the vessel of all human life. Woman’s magic is thus primary, and of nature. 

Joseph Campbell in Goddesses: Mysteries of the Divine Feminine


What Will You Gain

Wide knowledge on the prehistoric Venus figurines


A new way of relating to the female body


Understanding of the symbols portrayed in these ancient Venuses

Deep insights into reclaiming power in your body

Opportunity for healing and transforming the way we see women's bodies

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About Your Facilitator

Maria Souza

Maria Souza is a Writer, Mythologist and Educator. Maria is the author of the mythopoetic book Wild Daughters and is a member of the Joseph Campbell Foundation Myth Maker Network. She is the host of the podcast Women and Mythology in which she shares and interprets myths and fairy tales. Maria has been delivering programs on mythology since 2016.


She has researched and studied mythology under the world-renowned mythologist Dr Martin Shaw, she holds a postgraduate degree in Ecology and Spirituality from Schumacher College and Trinity Saint David, UK and she completed a year long course on Indigenous Subjects at Schumacher College. Originally from Brazil, she has worked for 7 years in the Brazilian Amazon with the indigenous peoples and Conservation Units.


Join the workshop

Date: Friday, September 1st, 2023

Time: From 8:30 am to 10:00 am, BST
Where: Online, via Zoom


​Please contact Maria if you have any questions about this course.

Maria's contact
Instagram: @womenandmythology
What's App: +8613162375382

Registrations Closed


Thanks for submitting!

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