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Reclaiming Eve


Short Course Reclaiming Eve

What if Eve was not the temptress and misguided woman we were told she was?

Join us on this on-demand course to discuss the consequences of an oppressive interpretation of the story of Eve and reimagine the myth in an empowering and life-affirming way.


Many of us have lived under the Christian myth of Adam and Eve. A story that depicts women as sinful, dangerous, and in some ways, connected to evil. But what if that's not the real story?

What if Eve's decision to eat from the Tree of Knowledge was an act of self-discovery, curiosity, and intuitive feeling?

What if liberation and knowledge were what she wanted? What if the Christian creation myth empowered instead of oppressed? In what kind of world would we live in?


Reclaiming Eve

Curiosity is connected to impulses and hunches of our intuition. The feminine wants knowledge. It wants to be self-aware, it wants to know is naked.

Eve's desire for knowledge and self-awareness represents a fundamental impulse of the feminine. One that has been repressed and considered treacherous, turning the traditional story of Adam and Eve a tool, and justification for the subjugation of women.



The course offers a broader discussion, a reimagining of the story of Eve, followed by a symbolic interpretation that empowers and strengthens women's sense of self.

Symbols we will interpret:

- Eve

- The apple

- The act of eating the fruit

- The snake

- The tree of knowledge

- Being removed from the Garden of Eden

Join the course to reflect on the consequences of this myth to women today and reimagine a symbolic story that supports women in their search for consciousness.

To forbid a woman to use the key to conscious self knowledge strips away her intuitive nature, her natural instinct for curiosity that leads her to discover “what lies underneath” and beyond the obvious. Without this knowing, the woman is without proper protection.

Clarissa Pinkola Estés


What Will You Gain

A new way of relating to the myth of Adam and Eve

Understanding of the symbols contained in the Christian creation myth

Deep insights into how Eve's story has been shaping your sense of self and choices

Opportunity for healing of the feminine archetypal force within you

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About Your Facilitator

Maria Souza

Maria Souza is a Writer, Mythologist and Educator. Maria is the author of the mythopoetic book Wild Daughters and is a member of the Joseph Campbell Foundation Myth Maker Network. She is the host of the podcast Women and Mythology in which she shares and interprets myths and fairy tales. Maria has been delivering programs on mythology since 2016.

She has researched and studied mythology under the world-renowned mythologist Dr Martin Shaw, she holds a postgraduate degree in Ecology and Spirituality from Schumacher College and Trinity Saint David, UK and she completed a year long course on Indigenous Subjects at Schumacher College. Originally from Brazil, she has worked for 7 years in the Brazilian Amazon with the indigenous peoples and Conservation Units.


Purchase the Course

Please contact Maria if you have any questions about this course.

Maria's contact
Instagram: @womenandmythology
What's App: +8613162375382


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